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肺炎疫情持續升溫,本公司4月推出紓困方案,客製化分期攤還汽車機車皆適用,任何有價物品典當即降利率,嚴峻時刻讓我陪您共度難關! #永泰融資中心 #士林區承德路四段332號 #電話28891122
Breaking News ! 由於新冠肺炎疫情近日在歐美日趨嚴重,Rolex 勞力士總裁今日宣布因受到疫情影響,瑞士Geneva, Bienee, Crissier 三間工廠自3月17日17:00起關閉10天。總裁Jean-Frederic Dufour致客戶及員工的信件全文如下: Sirs and Madams, Dear Colleagues, As I already said last week, we are facing a very serious situation. In order to protect you, your families, and your loved ones, but also to limit the risks of spreading the Coronavirus as much as possible, we have decided to close our production sites in Geneva, Bienne, and Crissier from March 17 at 5:00 PM through Friday, March 27, 2020. That date may of course be pushed back according to the evolution of the epidemic. Certain services will have to remain open for imperative operational functions. Your managers will give you more details on this subject. From now on, we ask you to respect the measures of confinement issued by our authorities in Switzerland and in France to the letter. I am certain that this is just a difficult period and if together, we all adopt good behavior, that we will contribute to and participate in the stabilization of the situation, and that will allow us to get back to work in total safety as soon as possible. Thank you for respecting the instructions of your managers in order to carry out this closing under good conditions. Best of luck for the days to come, take care of yourselves! Kind regards, Jean-Frederic Dufour Geneva, 16 March 2020
中央流行疫情指揮中心今(11)日表示,「口罩實名制2.0」明天上午9點起開放首輪線上預購試營運,為確保訂購、取貨流程順暢,經與四大超商業者(7-11、OK、全家、萊爾富)討論,調整取貨方式,最新預購流程如下: 使用健保卡/自然人憑證或健保快易通APP進行認證預購。 成功預購者將於3月19日收到繳費通知簡訊,於繳費期限內以 ATM轉帳、信用卡方式完成付款,手機APP預購只能用ATM轉帳付款。ATM轉帳通路包含行動銀行、網路銀行、網路ATM及實體ATM。 交易成功後,簡訊發送取貨序號。 民眾接獲取貨通知簡訊後,持序號及訂購人證件(身分證、健保卡或駕照),至指定取貨超商的Kiosk服務機台(如:ibon、FamiPort、Life-ET、OK‧go)輸入取貨序號及身分證字號後,列印取貨單(小白單)。 持小白單至超商櫃台領取口罩。 指揮中心指出,本次線上預購是購買3月26日至4月1日期間的口罩額度,民眾可於3月12日至3月18日試營運期間,透過電腦連接預購網頁(emask.taiwan.gov.tw),或以手機使用健保快易通APP進行預購。若不想使用線上預購或不想等候太久的民眾,仍可至健保特約藥局或衛生所購買。 資料來源:疾病管制署